Some people have moles on their face, neck and other parts of their body. The moles can adversely affect their appearance especially if the person has one or more moles on his face. In some cases, the mole may become malignant, and cause cancer. Hence many people would like to get their mole removal quickly and painlessly. The Skin Cancer & Cosmetic clinic (abbreviated as SCCC) at Neutral Bay is one of the leading skin care clinics, offering a wide range of services. The SCCC mole removal procedure and options available are described below.
Since the safety of the patient is the main priority at SCCC for mole removal, the doctors will first check whether the mole is showing signs of cancer. This will determine, which method will be used for mole removal. The mole is first analyzed using the latest spectroscope for detection of skin cancer which uses artificial intelligence or dermoscopy. Carcinoma of basal cell (pigmented ) or melanoma are an indication of skin cancer. So a biopsy of the mole is done to determine which will be the right technique for
mole removal Sydney. In case there are some indications of cancer, the mole is surgically removed and the skin is sutured to close it. The mole which is excised is sent for examining it pathologically.
In case the mole is harmless, the doctor and patient can choose from different options available. The method will depend on the size and location of the mole. Lasers can be used to vaporize the mole or surgical methods used for removal. In radiosurgery, radio frequency waves are used to remove the top part of the mole. In other cases, a carbon dioxide laser can be used to vaporize the mole so that no traces remain. This is usually a very effective treatment method. Shaving and electrosurgery is used to remove the top section of the mole, while cauterizing the remain part. Electrodessication is used or raised skin tags, while punch excision is suitable for very small moles 1 or two mm in size. Er Yag laser removal vaporizes the mole and is used for treating blemishes, which are flat.
The cost of the mole removal will depend to a large extent on the location, size of the mole and method used for removal. A person who wishes to get his or her mole (or moles) removed, should book an appointment with the specialists at SCCC. The specialists will check the mole and then estimate the cost .