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Our Services and Support

“Just want to give you an update on the engagement this week. In a word: Awesome!

We started with a freshly installed Linux server and some modest expectations. By completion of the initial installation and consulting our expectations were exceeded…and here’s the great thing…Our repository, using OAI is functioning *exactly* as you and your guys demonstrated.”

– Matthew Christian, Director of Center for Instructional Technology, Marshall University


“I just wanted to pass on my compliments for such a good team. In a long career in IT, including IT executive I have never experience better support from a supplier than that delivered by TLEI staff.  The team has been exceptional in their efforts to assist with, in my case, frequently complex deployment and production issues. This is clearly well above and beyond the call of duty and shows a team with great morale and dedication.”

– Alexander Roche, Finsia


“The successful implementation of the Digital Learning Bank is a result of the collaborative approach undertaken by DECS, The Learning Edge International and NetSpot.”

– Roger Edmonds, Manager eSchooling Services, Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australia



“We found the maturity of the EQUELLA solution enabled us to quickly achieve our goals and helped reduce the risk of implementing a large scale project.  Our organization was impressed with its features, functionality and flexibility, as well as its seamless integration with existing repositories and course management systems.”

– Scott Leslie, BC Campus


“EQUELLA is a key tool for the delivery and management of our medical course. Together with a Learning Management System, it has enabled the school to deliver an integrated problem-based learning course. Its metadata management and powerful reports allow us to map content to our curriculum, while its workflows let us control the quality of content contributed by a wide range of users. Students have clearly appreciated the ability to search content throughout their course with various criteria.”

– Professor John Bushnell, Deputy Dean and Director, Division of Teaching, University of Wollongong


“We are seeing a very positive response from public schools. Our schools value the opportunity to access digital resources from a quality assured, easily navigated repository of learning objects and assets as well as professional development resources.”

– Roger Edmonds, Manager eSchooling Services, Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australia


“What has been clear during the development is that the [Resource Centre] and its use will continue to develop and change over time and that there has to be flexibility to accommodate changes in business needs. ”

– Belinda Flowers, Manager (Department of Education Information Services) – State Library of Tasmania


“EQUELLA adds another dimension to what we can do as educators in the development of learning resources”

– Annie Agnew, Director of Educational Technology, Canberra Grammar School


“Part of the Resource Centre’s value is that teachers know that these resources have been earmarked as useful in the Tasmanian context, whether it be by staff in schools, support staff or centrally identified resources”

– The Essential Planner Evaluation Report – Department of Education Tasmania


EQUELLA Training

“Trainer – Steve was a joy to be taught by as he kept the training very informative but with a fun attitude. Thank you for your time. This highly professional training was delivered in a fun and yet formal fashion. Great intro to EQUELLA!!!”

– Fabrice, Deakin University


“The EQUELLA training session was very useful – it was clear that the system is developing steadily and conscientiously (not in a haphazard and gung-ho fashion) and trainers were extremely receptive to queries and suggestions from teaching and support staff. I am confident that the system is continuing to develop in a useful direction for staff and students. Go team go!!”

– Tanya King, Deakin University


“After the training, I felt confident that I would be able to use EQUELLA when it is introduced to my workplace next year.”

– Sarah Turnbull, Deakin University


Content Authoring – the EQUELLA Activity Assembler

“…Teachers appreciated being able to … navigate and include curriculum, manipulate and edit plans easily once they were used to the [Activity Assembler]…[and] share planning between schools…”

– Professional Learning Team, Department of Education Tasmania


“The Activity Assembler gives us control and ownership…providing us with more than just block by block development”

– Annie Agnew, Director of Educational Technology, Canberra Grammar School


“…Teachers appreciated being able to … navigate and include curriculum, manipulate and edit plans easily once they were used to the [Activity Assembler]…[and] share planning between schools…”

– Professional Learning Team, Department of Education Tasmania


EQUELLA – Enabling Collaboration

“I saw the benefits of working with other teachers – I first started to teach on the West Coast [of Tasmania] and I really would have loved to have as a new teacher access to lots of other teachers and their work.”

– Teacher’s comments – Department of Education Tasmania


“Many teachers at my school have been using the Planner (EQUELLA Activity Assembler)… We now have easier access and linking to established current frameworks and other resources… Using templates has allowed staff to provide consistent structure and language in their planning. This has supported professional conversations… The power of online collaboration on plans has allowed easy sharing of plans for consistency across staff, and greater mentoring and accountability in planning.”

– Teacher’s comments – Department of Education Tasmania
